Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Peer Review Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Peer Review Survey - Essay Example The grammar, style and mechanics of this assignment can be improved by polishing the pieces of work through proof reading and double-checking. This enables fixing of all annoying typos and grammar mistakes (Tennent, 12). Citing resources used in the study can further improve the paper. This will considerably reduce the level of plagiarism. More over, it will enhance the originality of the paper and professionalism (Tennent, 15). Further more, inclusion of a writing style such as MLA or APA is imperative in making this assignment more professional and academic. Comparison of the past way of living with the current lifestyle gives the paper direction and aptness in meeting the intended objective (Tennent, 13). It is imperative to note that, the paper is specific in outlining the differences between the two contexts. The assignment would have been directly answered if a specific goal is identified and represented as the thesis of this paper. It enhances flow and helps in meeting the objective. More over, an abstract and summary of the paper prerequisite are imperative in meeting the assignment requirements (Tnnenet, 12). Citing resources used in the study can further improve the paper. This will considerably reduce the level of plagiarism (Tennent, 11). More over, it will enhance the originality of the paper and professionalism. Further more, inclusion of a writing style such as MLA or APA is imperative in making this assignment more professional and

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